Student Visa

As an international student you are required to have a Student Visa.

Applying for Your Student Visa Is Easy!

  1. After receiving your acceptance we will issue you with Confirmations of Enrolment (also called a CoE)

  2. Submit the CoEs with your visa application to the Australian Department of Home Affairs

Need help with your visa?

If you’ve applied to CELUSA/SAIBT with the help of an agent, they will gladly assist you with the visa application.

If you’ve applied directly to CELUSA/SAIBT without the help of an agent, you have two options:

  • Seek the assistance of an agent, or
  • As each country has different visa requirements, consult the Immigration website for more information.

Some of the common documents required by DHA are as follows:

  • Letter of Offer
  • Letter of Acceptance
  • Proof of payment (official receipt)
  • Proof of funds to support your stay in Australia
  • Valid passport and photocopy of passport information page
  • Two photos meeting the Embassy’s requirements
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

Check the Document Checklist tool (disclaimer) to find out which documents need to be attached to the application.  

Don’t delay! Visa applications can take anywhere from 30 days to get approval.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

All international students must have OSHC. International students have to obtain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the proposed duration of their student visa. For students who will be undertaking a packaged course, there cannot be a gap in the OSHC coverage.

What does OSHC Cover?

OSHC helps pay for medical and hospital care should you become ill during your stay in Australia. OSHC will also pay for most prescription drugs and emergency ambulance transport. OSHC will not cover any illness or disability that you had prior to arriving in Australia. It will also not cover ancillary services (for example, dental or optical services). If you require ancillary services you can take out extra OSHC, provided by an approved OSHC provider. Make sure you bring any optical or medical prescriptions with you to Australia.


This will depend on the duration of your visa. CELUSA/SAIBT will notify you of the costs on your offer letter.

New Student Visa Information

As an international student, you must hold a valid student visa and Confirmations of Enrolment (CoE) for the duration of your study. Once you have accepted the offer of a place, SAIBT will email the CoEs to your agent, or you directly if you are not being represented by an agent. Once CoEs are issued the next step is to apply for your student visa. 

A registered education agent can assist you with your visa application, or you can complete a student visa application online through the Department of Home Affairs (HA) ImmiAccount

On 1 July 2016, the Department of Home Affairs (HA) introduced Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF) to replace the previous Assessment Level (AL) framework and Streamlined Visa Processing (SVP) arrangements. 

SSVF applies to all students and all programs. Under SSVF, evidentiary requirements will be based on the combined immigration risk of your country of citizenship and the education provider. 

All student visa applications must now be lodged online, and it is important that the application is complete at the time of lodgement and includes CoEs  

In the online student visa application form, DHA we will ask the applicant the below questions to address the GS criteria.  

·       Give details of the applicant’s current circumstances. This includes ties to family, community, employment, and economic circumstances.  

·       Explain why the applicant wishes to study this course in Australia with this particular education provider. This must also explain their understanding of the requirements of the intended course and studying and living in Australia. 

·       Explain how completing the course will be of benefit to the applicant. 

·       Give details of any other relevant information the applicant would like to include. 

Answers must be written in English, with a maximum of 150 words per question. 

There is an additional question for those applicants who have previously held a student visa or those who are lodging an application in Australia from a non-student visa. 

Along with the responses included in the application form, the applicant must attach supporting documents to their ImmiAccount. 


More information is available on the Department of Home Affairs

You must have a valid passport and student visa. This will allow you multiple entries into Australia. It is your responsibility to ensure that your passport, Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and student visa remain valid and that you abide by the conditions of your student visa.

You must:

  • Attend classes.
  • Complete your program within the duration of your CoE.
  • Not work in Australia before your program commences.
  • Not work for more than 40 hours per fortnight when your program is in session.
  • Provide and update your address in the Personal Details tab in student portal, if you need assistance please contact student services team.
  • Update your address within seven days of any change of residential address. If you are under 18 years old you must also provide and keep up-to-date your parent’s or legal guardian’s contact details.
  • Have current Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire length of your visa (for yourself and all dependants/family members included on your visa).
  • Maintain a current CoE document.

Please note that this is not a complete list. For further details regarding your student visa conditions, please refer to your visa grant letter and/or contact the Department of Home Affairs.

A registered education agent can assist you with your visa application, or if you are not represented by an agent you can complete a student visa application online through the Department of Home Affairs (HA) ImmiAccount

You will need CoEs and OSHC for the duration of your stay in Australia. 

Contact the Department of Home Affairs for more information. 

All student visa holders are eligible to work subject to the following conditions:

  • You do not work in Australia before your program commences.
  • You do not work for more than 48 hours per fortnight when your program is in session (during program breaks you may work unlimited hours).

Contact the Department of Home Affairs for more information.

Visa conditions require that international students under 18 years of age have their accommodation and welfare arrangements approved by SAIBT, unless they are living with an adult family member. Contact accommodation staff on your campus for approval of your accommodation and welfare arrangements.

Contact the Department of Home Affairs for more information.

Your student visa may be cancelled due to non-compliance with your student visa conditions. If your student visa is cancelled, the Department of Home Affairs may impose a three year exclusion period on future visa applications to Australia such as for a tourist visa, or a temporary or permanent residency visa. If you fail to adhere to the conditions of your current student visa you may have difficulty returning to Australia at a later date to complete your study.

The Australian Government wants overseas students in Australia to have a safe, enjoyable and rewarding place to study. Australia's laws promote quality education and consumer protection for overseas students. These laws are known as the ESOS framework and include the Education for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code 2007. Further information on the ESOS Framework. Please also visit Study Adelaide.

More Student Visa Information

If you intend to bring family members with you to Australia, you should first check with your nearest Australian Visa Office whether your visa allows for this. While you are in Australia, you will be responsible for supporting any dependents (i.e. family members).

If you are bringing your children to Australia, you must provide evidence that you are arranging for them to attend school. Tuition fees must be paid for school age dependants who study in Australia.

For more information, please refer to the Department of Home Affairs.

If you are under 18 years of age and you will not be living with a parent, legal guardian or a nominated eligible relative who is over the age of 21 years in Australia, you must get SAIBT's approval for your accommodation and welfare arrangements.

You will need to submit the SAIBT Accommodation and Living Arrangements form and be accepted to live at a residence approved by SAIBT for the period of time you are under 18. You will not be allowed to change your accommodation without prior approval from SAIBT.

You must have appropriate accommodation and welfare arrangements organised before you lodge a student visa application. Once you have appropriate accommodation or guardianship arranged we can issue a confirmation of appropriate accommodation/welfare letter (CAAW) with your CoE.

If you are under 18 years of age please read and complete the Under 18 – Acceptance and Accommodation Form.

For more information, please refer to the Department of Home Affairs.

Student Visa Conditions

The information contained in this page is to help you understand and comply with your student visa conditions. It is not a complete list and your visa conditions may vary. For a full list of student visa conditions go to the Department of Home Affairs or check your visa grant notification.

Visa conditions are the rules of your visa that are set by the Australian Government. It is important that you understand your visa conditions, as the Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) may cancel your visa if you breach them.

It is a condition of your student visa to complete your program within the expected duration. The expected duration is based on a full time study load and is reflected on your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) document. You will put yourself at risk of not completing your study by the end date on your CoE if you do not study in accordance with your Program Structure or your Study Plan.

If you need additional time to complete your program/s you will need to extend your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and apply for a new student visa. Applications to extend a CoE are only approved in very limited circumstances, such as:

  • Medical grounds (evidence required)
  • Failed final course(s) or failed occasional courses throughout the program
  • Granted a reduced study load due to an intervention strategy
  • Approved leave of absence
  • Prerequisite course(s) not available

CoE extension will not be approved if you choose to not enrol in accordance with your Program Structure or your personalised Study Plan.

To satisfy your visa condition of maintaining enrolment you need to enrol in accordance with your Program Structure or your Study Plan. 

If you fail to maintain enrolment SAIBT is required to report you to the Department of Home Affairs which will cancel your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and may affect (i.e. cancel) your student visa.

If you are unsure about your enrolment you can contact Student Services or the Academic Director. If you need assistance enrolling you can contact Student Services Team.

The Department of Home Affairs also requires you to maintain enrolment in a registered course that is the same level as, or at a higher level than, the registered course for which you were granted a visa, see the Department of Home Affairs.

To satisfy your student visa conditions you must maintain satisfactory course progress.

SAIBT reviews the academic progress of students and identifies students at risk of making unsatisfactory academic progress.

If you fail to meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements SAIBT will be required to report you to the Department of Home Affairs which will cancel your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and may affect (i.e. cancel) your student visa.

SAIBT provides study support services to assist you with your studies.

To ensure you receive important information from the Department of Home Affairs and to satisfy your student visa conditions, you must notify SAIBT within 7 days:

  • Of your new address when you first arrive in Australia
  • If you change your address at any time during your enrolment
  • Of any new contact details, including phone number, email address and emergency contacts details

If you do not update your address details and there is a problem with your visa, you will not receive communication sent by Department of Home Affairs and your visa may be cancelled.

Login to your student portal or contact if you require assistance.

If your student visa was obtained for study at SAIBT and you wish to study at another education provider, you need to contact and fill out the appropriate form:

  • If you have completed less than six calendar months of studies in your program at SAIBT you need to lodge an Application for Release

If you have a package offer, the six calendar months of study is calculated only on study completed at UniSA. You need to apply for a release from both providers.

If your application for release or withdrawal is approved, SAIBT will inform Department of Home Affairs that you have transferred your studies. If you are transferring to a lower AQF level (i.e. Master to Bachelor) you will generally need to apply for a new student visa, see the Department of Home Affairs.

Student visa holders are able to work 40 hours per fortnight (two weeks) while their program is in session and unlimited hours during scheduled breaks.

The opportunity to work part-time allows you to earn spending money and meet more people; however you should not rely on these earnings to pay fees or other living expenses.

Your dependants are allowed to work 40 hours per fortnight once you have commenced your program.

The Department of Home Affairs randomly checks workplaces to make sure that students are not exceeding the permitted hours and employers are legally required to provide information to the Department of Home Affairs.

You need to obtain a Tax File Number (TFN) in order to work in Australia.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is health insurance to assist international students meet the costs of medical and hospital care that they may need while in Australia.

The Department of Home Affairs requires student visa holders and their dependants to have health insurance for the duration of their stay in Australia (visa length health cover). Some exceptions apply, see the Department of Home Affairs.

SAIBT can organise your OSHC on your behalf or you can select and arrange OSHC yourself. If you need to extend your stay you will need additional cover before applying for a new student visa.

You may wish to arrange private health insurance in addition to OSHC as not all health services are covered (i.e. dental or physiotherapy). It is advisable to take out travel insurance to cover such things as accidents, lost luggage or trip cancellation as OSHC does not cover travel to and from Australia. 

You may experience an event during your studies that prevents you from studying for a period of time. If this occurs it is important that you contact who will provide advice and assistance.

In limited compassionate or compelling circumstances (i.e. serious illness or injury, bereavement of close family members or a traumatic experience), you may be able to suspend your studies (e.g. take a leave of absence) for a period of up to six months.

You can withdraw or cancel your program by providing written notification to SAIBT.

If you are a new commencing student please contact SAIBT Admissions and quote your Applicant ID as well as the reasons for your request. For continuing students, please complete a Withdrawal Form and lodge it with Student Services Team